Its almost December! Where did the year go? We have sooo much to do over the next few weeks its amazing! Im deturmined to get the Christmas tree up and decorated tomorrow Im very fussy and I colour co-ordinate all the decorations on the tree. No the kids are not allowed to help! I know that sounds mean and yeah it probably is but hey its my mean thing they can blame me for later when they are in therapy :o) Jasmine is on work experience all this week and set off this morning to catch the bus into Launceston where she is spending the week with "TasDance" Tasmanian dance company. She really enjoyed it today and got to spend a bit of time with the director of the company. She also informed me today that next week is her leavers dinner!!! She has been super exited about his all year its there one big night to dress up and look fantastic, she has her dress and shoes, her hair is organised as is her makeup and car and date :o) We are so lucky to have so many talented members of our ward that are willing to help her with her big night and all will get a mention on the night. I also have a week to get my very first ginger bread house up. I baked all the pieces last week at Suzannes house and they look ok a bit wonky but it is only my first attempt at this. I actually dont like gingerbread so this is really only for Allen and the little kids. I have another dr's appointment next week (yuck) I will have to mention the contractions that Ive been having I know Im going to get in trouble ohh well it wont be the first time ;o) Then I have dad flying down for 3 days to see the kids and give Niamh her Birthday pressie. She's going to be a big 2 year old and dad bought her a Harrods bear from England when Robyn went over this year. Jasmine got one when she was small so it will be nice that they both have the same bear :o) Then just after dad flys home to Melbourne hes on another plane for New Zealand for Christmas with Robyn and her mum so hes going to be tired. Then Erik, Allen's friend from the states arrives on the 20th. Its just one thing after another!! ALl the days are starting to blend into each other now, Im sure it will settle a little after the new year only to begin hectic in the January when the baby is due!(thats if he makes it that long). Phew! Im tired just thinking about it all!
Im also getting Niamh a nice new big girl bed it wasMakayla's and will fit nicely in Niamh's room, so Im off to get a mattress tomorrow. Then I can raise the bed level in the cot move it into Gabriels room along with the change table then I'll be ready when the baby comes :o) Still plenty to do :o)