Monday, February 8, 2010

Makaylas 18th

Saturday night we all went to Makaylas 18th birthday party it was an 80's theme party and we dressed up as KISS. All the kids decided to dress up too which was great as last year at the halloween party they piked out. WE had a great ttime with lots of fun and dancing. Next year Jasmine turns 18 so we are starting to plan now as its probably going to take us that long to work out what she wants and get some booking done. I dont think it will be a home party. Maranda and Heath booked the Deloraine complex for Makaylas party and it went well there. We have 13 months to plan...

Baby Robins

He's finally here! After my third attempt at the hospital he was born on the 27th of January at 1.30pm. It was an interesting week to say the least, I was told to come into the hospital on the Monday 25th at 3pm to have my waters broken but instead I was told that the labour ward was full and I got given some panadene forte for my pelvic pain and sent home to come back on the Tuesday morning at 8am. So we rocked up at 8am with bags and people in tow we waited an hour before the midwives came and told us that because it was a public holiday there were only 3 on and then one woman had a breach and the other was sent upstairs for an emergency c section, so I was sent home again. GRRR! I wasnt happy to say to say the least, but I took my pain killers and went to bed, knowing that it was the last night I would have to be pregnant.

Day 3 Wednesday morning I was deturmined to not leave the hospital without a baby. They broke my waters which was super painful and then put a canula in my wrist for the drugs. I spent most of my labour on the fitball in between contractions and 4 hours later Hezekiah came into the world.

Jasmine did a great job she cut the cord and watched everything from the "business end" while Allen had my hand. SO here are some photos... Ohh and I apoligise in advance if you didnt want to see so much flesh.