Ok so lets start this again. SO on Monday my awsome next door neighbour took Gabriel with her son Oliver to see the new Toy Story 3 movie. They left at 8.45 so I had to be organised ahead of time and I was sort of.. I had all 3 kids feed and dressed i had made lunch for Niamh to go to playgroup and the only one who wasnt ready was me who wa still in her jamas when Simone came to get Gabriel. Hey its not the first time shes seen me in my p.j's hehehe Niamh and I finally got to play group a little bit late and it was so wet that we stayed in the kinda room most of the morning. I love going to playgroup as it wears the kids out so when we got home Niamh had a bottle and went down for a nap. I ran around and got some washing done and the floor done while the little ones were asleep.
Tuesday is always a day I look forward to as its DAY CARE DAY! I love Maranda she does a great job with them and they love going over. It gives me a chance to get some stuff done without all 3 tagging along behind me too. So off to get the groceries done and then wiz home t get a doctors appointment for Hezekiah who has been coughing alot, it turns out he has Bronchitis so we just have to watch him.
Then as if that wasnt enough Monday morning the phone rings and its Catlyn Allens oldest, shes having some major issues with privacy and trust and safety issues at home and needed some help and advise. Allen has been busy for the past few days trying to get all the kids some help.
I also had my very talented friend Jackie come over today and help me make a tote bag it looks AWSOME! Thanks Jackie your the best! And yes I will post a photo of it as soon as I get some batteries
Tuesday is always a day I look forward to as its DAY CARE DAY! I love Maranda she does a great job with them and they love going over. It gives me a chance to get some stuff done without all 3 tagging along behind me too. So off to get the groceries done and then wiz home t get a doctors appointment for Hezekiah who has been coughing alot, it turns out he has Bronchitis so we just have to watch him.
Then as if that wasnt enough Monday morning the phone rings and its Catlyn Allens oldest, shes having some major issues with privacy and trust and safety issues at home and needed some help and advise. Allen has been busy for the past few days trying to get all the kids some help.
I also had my very talented friend Jackie come over today and help me make a tote bag it looks AWSOME! Thanks Jackie your the best! And yes I will post a photo of it as soon as I get some batteries