She has been talking about her big "move"and I don't want her to go :o( I watched her this morning helping make the little ones their breakfast and help get Niamh her baby sister dressed for the day and as I watched her I could see a young woman not my little girl :o( Time has gone by too fast for me and I want the time back to be with my little one with the long red hair and beautiful blue eyes staring up at me.
We are planning a trip away in September just the 2 of us together and I know that it may be the last time we get to do this before she leaves
Jasmine was in "sing Elon"for a few years they taught her alot

Jasmine at her grade 10 leavers dinner

Her first day of High school

Jasmine and "pap"he's my dad and they have a very special conection he was there when she was born so he thinks shes pretty special :o)

Jasmine at the holiday house doing a bit of body surfing and freezing.

Jasmine with Niamh just a few months old.

Jasmine and her best friend Ellie at home here for her 15th birthday

Jasmine with Gabriel feeding the pelicans at Phillip Island
Jasmine and I watching the Disney night parade (I was almost 8 months pregnant and after spending about 9 hours walking around in 35 degree heat I was kind over it)