She has been talking about her big "move"and I don't want her to go :o( I watched her this morning helping make the little ones their breakfast and help get Niamh her baby sister dressed for the day and as I watched her I could see a young woman not my little girl :o( Time has gone by too fast for me and I want the time back to be with my little one with the long red hair and beautiful blue eyes staring up at me.
We are planning a trip away in September just the 2 of us together and I know that it may be the last time we get to do this before she leaves
Jasmine was in "sing Elon"for a few years they taught her alot

Jasmine at her grade 10 leavers dinner

Her first day of High school

Jasmine and "pap"he's my dad and they have a very special conection he was there when she was born so he thinks shes pretty special :o)

Jasmine at the holiday house doing a bit of body surfing and freezing.

Jasmine with Niamh just a few months old.

Jasmine and her best friend Ellie at home here for her 15th birthday

Jasmine with Gabriel feeding the pelicans at Phillip Island
Jasmine and I watching the Disney night parade (I was almost 8 months pregnant and after spending about 9 hours walking around in 35 degree heat I was kind over it)
Awww! So sad but so . . . I don't know? Inevitable?? I love every stage with my kids as they grow up but it would be great if we could visit the time when they were little every now and again!!!! Sniff..
Aww it made me tear up. She has grown into such a beautiful young woman, both inside and out.
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