Its been a very stressfull week, with all the stuff going on with our car and trying to talk to banks to get a loan to get another car (Ive never done that before we've always paid cash). Ive opened new accounts with banks waited to hear whats going on with our car (its still a the shop), waiting to find out whats going on with the loan etc etc... Thats when the kids got sick, yep Gabriel started with the vomits then baby Hezekiah, then back to Gabriel (you can see where this is going right?) Then Xaviour got sick and then passed it on to me, yep Im hoping its lucky last. Allen picks the new car up on Monday woohoo! The Kia is getting fixed then we'll sell that and buy Allen a cheap run around car that we dont have to worry about. Ive been super stressed and I think thats why my immune system failed me and Im still on the couch in my p.j's. I think I'll feel better when the car is here and I can stop stressing. We got a new Mazda MPV it seats 7 which means we can actually fit everyone in the car :o) Its got full leather seats and a dvd player with headphones for the kids. Now our trips to Devonport and Hobart won't be so noisey :o) Its got a nice size boot too to put the shopping in, and Allen got me a GPS so I dont get lost ;o) It also means that when we go over to Melbourne we can go on the boat and take our car! Can't wait to see it in the driveway.