trying to get a better view with daddy

stunned again!

after bath fluffy hair, he looks like the mad professor

playing in the sun

Finding his toes and other cool body bits
I know in my head thats it's been a year since I had our little boy Hezekiah, I look at him I see how much he's grown and the chatter that he has started. It's sad for me as he is our last baby and NO I dont want anymore infact Allen has been threatened with all sorts of nasty things if I ever do end up pregnant again :o) Its just that knowing that I'll never have a little one again is the ending of a chapter in my life. This year is also going to see my baby (1st) turn 18 and for me thats the end of another chapter, the end of her childhood and start of adulthood. I know that this is a good thing and that moving forward is always a good thing. I just don't like this much change all at once. Anyone who knows me knows that I like to plan things, I get very upset when my plans don't come through. It doesn't have to be a big plan it can be something as simple as planning to go into town for the day and then it doesn't happen I'll be super grumpy for the rest of the day. I enjoy writting things on my calender and watching what is coming up and get upset when other people write things on there. I need to see whats going on so that I can plan aaround events. Yes it is probably a little bit controlling on my part Im big enough to admit that, I do have the information and everyone comes to me to see whats on and when so that they too can make plans. It all works out :o)
I had planned (in my head) to have a birthday dinner for my baby boy tonight when a friend who is in need of company asked us over for dinner tonight I was put out by the day but Ive decided that to go over is going to be the best for that person at this time, and Hezekiah won''t get cranky for us missing his birthday. He has opened his pressents from us and we are waiting for the others from the grandparents. I'm taking a cake over tonight and we'll celebrate as a family at lunch instead. See Im flexable :o) Happy birthday baby boy xxx