Its been a busy week and it seems that the closer that we get to the end of the year the days seems to blend into each other. After doing the shopping on Tuesday it all turned into a blur. I did my visting teaching on Thursday morning an I felt really good after I visited all my sisters. I spent lunch with Peggy who is so special I love her alot, Ive learnt alot from her too. The kids have been so funny this week with so much rain the walls feel like they are closing in on me and Gabriel NEEDS to get outside! We went to playgroup on Monday which ws great bu it poured with rain so he didnt get to play outside. Im hoping tomorrow will be clear enough for him to get out. Niamh is crawling about and a really quick pace, and has started pulling herself up onto funiture and legs and anything else thats upright. Shes still so little she looks like a baby doll :o)
Today we went to Xaviours soccer pressentation its always longgggg as there are so many kids at the club ab Gabriel was getting very tired of sitting still. ALlen got up and thanksed all the parents for their help and support each week and the kids gave him a great photo of them all in a frame with a plaque. He was really pleased.
Yesterday we went to the Stake BIlliecart challenge its fun every year watching these kids go zooming down a huge hill. This year ws no different with lots of spills a few misshaps with the carts and LOTS of sheep poo flying everywhere. It was a girls against the boys race and for the record Our girls from Deloraine chappel won! Simon our resident police officer bought the radar gun with him to clock everyones speed. The girls got up to 47kph! They all had a ball as you can see by the photos. Gabriel even got a ride int he cart as they were towed back up the hill.
Allen has another job interview tomorrow morning so cross fingers and toes! This week will be a bit quieter :o) phew.
Ohh and congratulations to Jay and Sarah who are expecting :o)