Easter Sunday means chocolate for breakfast! Ok maybe not.... At least some hotcross buns! I bought 5 packets of hotcross buns and Ive been good in NOT buying them till yesterday I mean they had them on sale the week after Christmas! So after eating 2 for breakfast we went off to church, the kids got more chocolate bunny's there and we had Niamh cracking the wobblies because she wasnt allowed to eat it in my car, I gave it to her as soon we got in the door I mean I have to pick my battles and thats not one I was willing to bother with. SO after Niamh and Gabriel had eaten a bunny and some eggs plus a few buns they went banana's and have finally crashed for the night :o) Hezekiah ate half my egg and would have eaten more if available. Jasmine and Xaviour made out like bandits with heaps of eggs and chocolate and me after eating one bunny and half and egg this afternoon am felling sickly. Maybe there is a chocolate limit for each day? Happy Easter