It just didnt feel like Christmas this year with Xaviour in Melbourne and knowing that Jasmine is leaving soon for uni. I just couldnt get into it, I still put the tree up decorated it in gold and blue this year ( yes I colour co ordinate each year). I bought new lights (that didnt get put up) and I made Christmas lunch. The kids had a ball with all their new things Niamh couldnt believe that she was getting pressents again! Her birthday being in the same week just makes for an extra fun day :) Hezekiah who is almost 2 had fun ripping the paper taht id been telling him for 2 weeks to leave alone.
Xaviour is due home tomorrow from Melbourne so he gets to open all his pressies when he gets back :) Next year ill be better with Papa, Nana coming down and my "0" birthday following that.
Gabriel enjoying his ramp
Niamh in love with her new doll
Jasmine and her GPS that she will need when she moves next month.

Yes we got her a TV Grundig so it will last and yes she was excited. We have had a rule which I have stuck by , that no tv's are to be in bedrooms. So now that Jasmine has hers set up I feel Ive caved but its only for a month.

After the unwrapping comes the cleaning up.....

Gabriel is our car fanatic he loves them so this ramp taht goes on the wall thereby aliviating the steping on cars all over the floor.
hmmm I wonder whats in this one?
Allens job is handing out the pressies

whats in this ?//

Jasmine looking more excited about the Duplo than Hezekiah

Jasmine helping Hezekiah open his pressents

Nimah and Hezekiah checking out the new car mat

Hezekiah being a bit chessey

Allen and the little kids

WOW! Niamh and her new doll and Gabriel with some new little people.
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