Its December so 1. Its officially summer time and 2. Its Christmas time :o)
I put the tree up on Saturday Im not allowed to put it up till after Thanksgiving. I colour co ordinate our tree which my kids find annoying but hey I dont care! This year Ive got a blue and gold theme :o) Ive still got to find the remaning lights and decorations. Ive found half the lights so they'll go up tonight :o) Ive got the nativity set out the hard part is trying to keep Gabriel away from it! Im also going to be busy today cooking Christmas biscuits and try a new cake recipie for Niamhs birthday (yes I know its still a couple of weeks away). Im also going to get my mixed fruit for the Christmas cake! I tried to get my fruit from the supermarket but they only had the one with peel in it (yuck) but the lady who owns the bulk food place in Deloraine said she would make me some fruit without the peel :o) I love small towns :o) Now all I need is the brandy to soak the fruit yummmmmmmmm..... Im making 2 cakes this year as last year I made one and Allen ate most of it so this year Im making 2. I costed it out last year and each cake cost about 60$ to make with the brandy and 5 eggs its expensive but sooo worth it.
I was very clever last week after dads visit the kids went to the school social, Allen and I went home put the little kids to bed and wrapped all the Christmas pressents :o) hahahahah My older2 are very sneaky and play lets find teh pressies every year this year its a matter of waiting and seeing :o) With the government giving us some free money this month the kids are cleaning up! They are going to be happy munchies this year. Last year we didnt have much as we had just come home from the U.S and our big holiday so it was a matter of well its been funa nd we spent what we had and told the kids it was going to be small and they were happy with that (they also had a new baby sister last Christmas).
I'll put some photos up tomorrow of the lights on the house :o)