I think we have turned a corner with Gabriel he's finally interested in going to the tolit! Alhough he hasn't actually "gone" to the tolit yet he just likes to sit on it and wipe himself and then flush the tolit. Its been fun watching him climb on and off the seat without falling in :o) He has developed a horid habit of putting whole roles of tolit paper in the bowl for me to find! Grrrrrr! Ive lost a total of 6 roles so far,he did get a smack on his hand this morning so I may have finally got him out of that habit.
Allen is busy looking for a new job again and has an interview on Wednesday next week so cross fingers :o)
Ohh and an update on Allens birthday apparently a "family" member did actually call but because this person refuses to call the home phone number he didnt get the call.
Xaviour has his last game of socccer to morrow morning at 8:30 am brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I just know its going to be cold Last Game!!!! Im going to get a photo of the team tomorrow they are hopefully all going to show up :o)
Friday, August 29, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Allens 39th

It was Allens birthday yesterday he turned 39 :o) He was up early taking Jasmine to seminary and because I was woken at 6:30am with 2 very wet bottoms I was up early too. I made the most of it and decided at the last minute to make a nice breaky for ALlen so I found the cookie cutter and cut 4 pieces of toast onto love hearts and then used it to cook 2 eggs also the same shape :o) It did look really good and must have tasted good as he ate it all then left for work. As the day went on he recieved a fantastic call from his big sister Jody who herself had her 50th just a few days ago HAPPY BIRTHDAY JODY! It was nice that at least one family member phoned :o) He had to make an emergency trip home as his cell phone battery needed to be changed so I played Jodys message and that cheered him up heaps. I know he didnt say it but I know it hurts that his parents didnt even call :o(
When he got home I cooked a special meal for tea and then he had a cheesecake for dessert as thats his favorite. Then "we" retired early so I could give him his pressent (and thats as much info as your getting ;o)
Then to top it off he got a card from Erik today and that made him smile too :o)
It was a good day and Im sure when mine comes around next year he'll do something nice for me too :o) Beware! Next year is going to be huge!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
what day is it again???

You know when you have one of those weeks where every day just kinda blends into each other? Yeah thats the week I've had. With so many things on and plenty of appointments and people over it all kinda blur's by Sunday. We are still fighting Niamh and her sleeping in her boots she was getting better with going off to sleep really wel but is waking at about midnight and screaming her lungs out and just refusing to go back to sleep regardless of what I say or do. At least I've had something to watch on the TV at those hours love the olympics :o) We resorted to bad habits and bought her back to our bed which I dont like to do but if it means 2 hours of peace then hey whatever works right? Her boots having been pinching her baby toe and she is getting blisters under her toe which would hurt her and then she gets upset and doesnt want to have them on. I have to take them off to give the toe some air to keep it from getting infected. All fun and games here.
Next week doesnt look much better with all the things on to do ARGH!!! Jasmine goes on tur in 2 weeks its her last year this year after she made the very mature decision to not go ahead next year due to having a heavy school load. Shes doing very well at school getting straight A's so I can't complain.
Gabriel is doing well hes a tank with legs, Allen and I have made the decision to get the kids a new trampoline for Christmas a round one with the net that will prevent Gabriel trying to dive off (yes he has tried the swan dive).
Allen is busy looking for another job as hes just not satisfied where he is and as long as hes happy Im cool with where- ever he works.
Heres our little angel sleeping in my bed she does look very cute its hard to stay agro at her when she smiles at me.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Flying High

Last night we went to Jasmines biggest concert for the year so far which ws her flying high concert. We arrived at about 6.45pm ready for the concert to start at 7pm Jasmine was at the door taking tickets for people, she looked so nice in her uniform. I made sure I had a heap of snacks for us to eat during the concert which was going to be about 2 hours long. Gabriel was pretty good sitting nicely waiting for the kids to come out. Jasmine's chior came out first and sang 5 songs and Gabriel kept yelling"my sissy, my sissy!" he was excited to see her on stage it was cute :o)
After the kids sang we had some kids from "Circ S cool" which is a circus school (get it) and they came out and showed us their stuff which was lots of fun swinging from the cealing and juggling. After they were finished we had Launceston Tyco drummers perform and they were great! The noise was unreal ! I cant even immagine what the opening ceremony of the olympics was like with 1500 of them drumming.
All of them came out at the end and we finally got home at about 11pm phew I was tired this morning at church.
Now Jasmine has only 2 more weeks before she leaves for her tour to Adelaide and the red centre.
Yesterday avo Sarra and Hallie came over and spent the whole afternoon playing with Gabriel they had lunch played a movie and had a good time :o) Simone (aka mum) came over looking for them I told her Id send them home later they were happy enough :o) Sarra didnt want to go home but I walked them back accross the lawn late in the afternoon I love having them next door instant playmates :o)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Yummy Mummys
Yesterday was yummy mummys day. We had our gathering at my house this month with only 4 coming which was dissapointing :o( With so many mummys in our ward I was expecting a few more but hey..... It gave me the motivation to clean the house early as I usually am only starting by 10am not finished :o) With breastfeeding, changing bottoms, breakfast and getting 3 dressed and cleaned its a challenge to have anything done by that early hour. Gabriel wa great yesterday and actually wanting to help and not hinder which was a nice change. Niamh usually goes back to bed by 9.30 but yesterday with mum moving so fast she was not wanting her early nap.
Simone and Emma came by, with Stephanie and her new baby Lachlan showed up a little later and little Chloe in toe. I was surprised to see Stephanie with a 3 week old baby. I know I wasnt that organised with Niamh that young. Everyone sat and talked while the kids ran a muck sending toys flying in all directions. I cant wait till the weather finally warms up and we can send them outside :o) Im looking forward to Spring and its warmer weather and being able to get some more work done in the garden although that task seems so big right now that I can feel the grey hairs sprouting just thinnking about all that work.
Allen has another interview today for another job in town hes feeling confident about it which is nice. Hes just not 100% happy with the company hes with right now things could be better but hes tried talking to them about things but its falling on deaf ears, and that annoys him. Im not fussed as long as we have a regular pay packet and it keeps going up and not down :o)
I had a long conversation (winge) to Child Support this week with still no money coming through and nobody with any answers as to when I'll see anything and why there is nothing there. GRRRRR I hate hate hate speaking to them its maddening! I keep getting told the same thing "the debt will catch up with him....eventually" well thats nice but doesnt help right now! ok enough of that ...
Jasmine has her big concert for the year tomorrow night at the casin in Launceston its going to be huge we are expecting a full house of 400 people. The kids are singing 18 songs and there are circus performers as well as Tyco drummers its going to be alot of fun and something I think Gabriel will enjoy :o) I dobbed Allen in to be an Usher for the evening which will keep him busy I promise to take some photos :o) We have 7 other guests coming so we have done well to help sell tickets for the event.
I better go missy has woken from her morning nap and wants out! I'll try and update on the concert tomorrow or Sunday..
Simone and Emma came by, with Stephanie and her new baby Lachlan showed up a little later and little Chloe in toe. I was surprised to see Stephanie with a 3 week old baby. I know I wasnt that organised with Niamh that young. Everyone sat and talked while the kids ran a muck sending toys flying in all directions. I cant wait till the weather finally warms up and we can send them outside :o) Im looking forward to Spring and its warmer weather and being able to get some more work done in the garden although that task seems so big right now that I can feel the grey hairs sprouting just thinnking about all that work.
Allen has another interview today for another job in town hes feeling confident about it which is nice. Hes just not 100% happy with the company hes with right now things could be better but hes tried talking to them about things but its falling on deaf ears, and that annoys him. Im not fussed as long as we have a regular pay packet and it keeps going up and not down :o)
I had a long conversation (winge) to Child Support this week with still no money coming through and nobody with any answers as to when I'll see anything and why there is nothing there. GRRRRR I hate hate hate speaking to them its maddening! I keep getting told the same thing "the debt will catch up with him....eventually" well thats nice but doesnt help right now! ok enough of that ...
Jasmine has her big concert for the year tomorrow night at the casin in Launceston its going to be huge we are expecting a full house of 400 people. The kids are singing 18 songs and there are circus performers as well as Tyco drummers its going to be alot of fun and something I think Gabriel will enjoy :o) I dobbed Allen in to be an Usher for the evening which will keep him busy I promise to take some photos :o) We have 7 other guests coming so we have done well to help sell tickets for the event.
I better go missy has woken from her morning nap and wants out! I'll try and update on the concert tomorrow or Sunday..
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Calender guys
Thursday, August 7, 2008
long time no blog

Its been a few days since Ive had any time to blog. We've been busy with stuff for kids as well as cameras going missing bikes appearing. Yes I finally let Allen pick his motorbike up early hes been finding excuses to pick it up and Ive been ignoring them finally I gave in yesterday hes a happy boy with his new toy. Its an expensive and one I was wanting him to wait a bit longer for. The main reason for getting the bike was to cut down on petrol costs, but I wanted Allen to sell his car first I didnt want to add before subtracting because to me that made no sense. Plus Allen once hes got the bike has no motivation to sell the car in a hurry. I finally got the sabb which was sitting in the driveway for a year sold and it went last week yippee! I wa glad to see that go and now its just a matter of getting rid of the Ford.
Niamh has been having fun with her new boots she still crawls with them on and sits nicely with them and can even stand on her toes in them :o) The only issue at the moment is sleeping shes not fond of sleeping in them and as she is going to be wearing them for the next few years she has to get used to them fast! Last night wa horid with no sleep at all :o( She had a tummy ache as well as teeth coming through which didnt help and thus I had no slepp at all. Allen managed to get a few hours when I took her out of her cot and sat with her for a few hours trying to keep her calm. She has had a good morning with the tummy ache gone and shes had a nice sleep this morning and has woken up bright eyed and bushey tailed. Shes been playing with her new toy ( one that she shouldnt even have yet) Allen and I put some toys away for Christmas for the little kids last week which I was very proud of and then we went into KMart and found another one for Niamh which was 40$ off so I bought it home and put it in my closet to hide it from Gabriel who thought it wa for him. Needless to say that the little bugger found it and asked for it yesterday when I was in the shower and ALlen took it down and gave to him to play with! Then Gabriel got cranky because he wanted it out of the box, I told Allen that you cant expect him to play with it in the box (meaning put it away!) but he decided instead that taking it out of the box was the best option grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!1 Now I have to find something else for her as hes snaffled it and thinks its his hmmmmm. Anyway I have some new photos including Allen on his new bike and Niamh playing with her new toy. I just hope I can find the lead so I can plug the camera in lol ;o)
Ohh and fro all those who are interested yes I got my book on Monday when it was released I was one of the first 25 people to pick the book up after ordering it. Ialso picked up a copy that my friend Maranda had ordered she wa very happy with me for that :o) The book was 750 pages long I got it read in 3 days I would have got it read in 2 except the kids were not co operating with my plans. It was fantastic all the things I was hoping she would put in the book were there and some more :o) Ive lent the book now to my nieghbour Simone who will have it read just as quickly. Now I have nothing to read again Im bookless! I did get told to read I am Legend I saw the fime and loved it, the book is better so Im told so that may be my next one to read. Ohh and just for something different its raining again! I cant wait till we start having soem spring sunshine!
ohh and for all those who dont think Mormans are hot check out this calender shot!
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