Ok so this is her cake the one on Mondy will look better I promise

Hezekiah playing on the see saw at playgroup

Ohh this is the wire that was in our stove top, I could smell a burnt smell as it turns out this was burnt through! dodgy electrician that I had grrr! Lucky we had Johnny our awsome friend who is an electrician come and fix it :o)

Xaviour and his awards he also got a book prize as well :o)

The principle at the awards night

Niamh and Hezekiah eating at the playgym Christmas party

The jumping castle

Its been a busy few days! We had the last playgym with a jumping castle and a visit from Santa and lots of food :o) We also have had the last playgroup for the year :o( I made a cake for Niamh it turned out ok not as good as I would have liked but Im only learning :o) We have also had Xaviours presentation evening where he got 2 awards this year, it seems like hes taking over from Jasmine who ot awards every year. I also have some photos of Gabriel in his uniform for next year at Kinda, he'll be going 3 days a week 9 till 3 woohoo!
I still have a handful of things to pick up from in town for Christmas I'll leave that till next week and into Deloraine for more paper today. Only a few more days to go till Christmas and Nimahs birthday on Monday!
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