Ok so Christmas is over for another year phew! We had a nice day allthough it would have been nice to have some family members with us... maybe next year. We spent the morning opening all the pressents and then the rest of the morning putting them together. Jasmine and I attempted twice to p
ut the doll house together we both got an F . Allen took over and got it done in half the time. Then Allen and I started to get lunch on the go the kids played happily while lunch was being cooked. Hezekiah feel asleep before we even got lunch on the table which was cute :o) After lunch nana Jacki came by with her famous Christmas pudding its become a bit of a tradition and we love it! Then we sat for a few hours to catch our breath before heading out to the Websters for tea. We had heaps of fun and played some great games :o) Niamh got bitten by something we think it was an ant and then to add to it her eardrum burst during the night poor thing was in a fair bit of pain thank goodness I have kids panadol in the fridge. Can't wait till next year :o)

This is what the kitchen looked like after lunch

Lunch done and all the kids dissapeared

Allen with his new pressie MP3 player

Gabriel and Niamh eating lunch

Jasmine ewww no licking fingers thanks

Poor Hezekiah was so tired he feel asleep on Jasmines lap before lunch was ready

All the food minus the dessert the kids were hungry!

My nice place settings

Me putting the pinapple and cloves in the ham prior to cooking

Allen supossed to be helping!

Niamh and her doll house it was a pain to put together

Hezekiah riding his new bike

The growing mess in the loungeroom

Hezekiah on his bike with Jasmine giving him a hand

Niamh opening another gift there was alot of paper

Xaviour opening his pressents and a smile!

Hezekiah with one of his pressents

Gabriel and his remote control car

Niamh opening her pressent very carefully

Hezekiah more interested in his beads than the pressent in front of him
ALlen and Niamh and Gabriel waiting patiently

Jasmine wishing she was still in bed

Allen trying to work out whos is whos

Niamh with her bag of goodies from her stocking

Hezekiah eating the beads with his cute bib on :o)
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