After spending the past week going to and from specialists checking my feeding I finally got some medication to help boost my supply. Its helped and I feel alot fuller and even better than that Niamh managed to finally put weight on this week ! Everyone commented that she was a beautiful girl and that she'll be fine :o) Im looking forward to starting solids in another month even though its a pain to start with it will help with weight gain and hopefully sleeping too. She did sleep 5 hours on Saturday night which was nice :o) I hope thats a good sign and it continues in the future.
Ive got a huge amount of people I know who are pregnant right now incluing my friend Simone who is having another boy! We had another friend have her daughter last week and there are 3 others I know of who are due this year. Wow yummy mummys is going to get crowded soon!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
fading away
Ive been spending the last few weeks going to and from the Health Nurse office with Niamh. She has been loosing weight about 100grams a week, so she has to be weighed every week. We spent some time today back at the hospital speaking to a lactation specialist who gave me a presciption that in conjunction with the herbal drops Im taking will boost my mummy mammaries. I'm still waitng to hear back from the pediatric specialist about our appointment. I also heard from "Walker House" and a nurse from there s coming out to see me tomorrow. Ive had ots of people telling me Im doing all the right things I mean its not like this is my first baby! It is still frustrating and hard to deal with when she isnt putting weight on and looks like shes fading away :o( It all got to me a bit today and I had a big cry. I just hope its just a feeding problem, and she not sick because that really scares me.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
The Zonta!

Thats right its Targa Time again. I was on my pram walk on Wednesday morning when the Targa cars were all on their way through town. For all those who dont know Targa Tasmania is a road race with lots of fancy cars who have time trials around the state. Last night while we were in Launceston all the cars were in George street which is about a kilometer long. The car we were waiting to see was the "Zonta" number 999 (its yellow) its a very flash fast car worth about 500,000$!!! ITs A CAR PEOPLE! Xaviour had agreat time with my camera taking ictures of all the cars he liked. Here are some of the pictures he took.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Play Group

I made a decision a few weeks ago that I would make myself go to playgroup with the little kids. The theory being that I get to met some other mothers and kids before Gabriel starts kinda in a few years. In such a small town it pays to get to know the locals. We've been ging for a few weeks now and on Monday we were invited to go on a pram walk today and a play afterwards. I felt pretty good for being asked :o) It was nice walk and Gabriel seemed to enjoy playing with the other kids. The mums sat inside and chatted about stuff as we do. Im looking forward to next week if the weather is fine :o)
I am a big Ebay fan Ive bought and sold a bit on it over the eyars and I recently got a "Wags" the dog for Gabriel who is a mad Wiggles fan. Its a singing Wags and hes been carrying it around with him ever since it arrived. There is also a pic of Gabriel after playgroup. He was sooooo tired so when we got home I gave him a bottle and put him to bed wel that didnt work so I took him out and put a movie on for him , after a couple of minutes I went into check on him and he was fast aslepp on the couch. lol Niamh is just being cute she has an appointment with our doctor tomorrow to check her because she has been loosing weight :o(
I love my neighbours
When Allen and I bought our block of land we were not aware of who lived in town let alone who lived next door. We discovered that Simon and Simone Triffitt lived behind us in the police house. Simone had just had Oliver (their youngest) and after visiting the area one afternoon Allen decided to stop by and say hi to them. I wasn't sure at the time I am quite shy when it comes to meeting others for the first time I guess because Ive always worried about how Im perceived by others. So when we stopped that day I was very hestitant.
After 3 years of knowing the Triffitt family Ive grown to love them very much, and I count Simone as one of my closest friends. Our kids play together and we laugh and cry together. Im sooooo lucky to have them as my neighbours. Tonight Simone asked if she could borrow Gabriel and take him with her to the park with her kids so that I could get tea ready (Tuesdays are very busy for me). I said yes to having one less child under foot while I got tea ready, and to say thankyou I had her and her family stay for dinner. The kids all played after tea for a while and Simon took Jasmine to young womens. We are very blessed.
After 3 years of knowing the Triffitt family Ive grown to love them very much, and I count Simone as one of my closest friends. Our kids play together and we laugh and cry together. Im sooooo lucky to have them as my neighbours. Tonight Simone asked if she could borrow Gabriel and take him with her to the park with her kids so that I could get tea ready (Tuesdays are very busy for me). I said yes to having one less child under foot while I got tea ready, and to say thankyou I had her and her family stay for dinner. The kids all played after tea for a while and Simon took Jasmine to young womens. We are very blessed.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
soccer dad

Allen had his first day as a soccer coach yesterday it didnt go great as we lost 7 nill but hey we can only improve from there. It didnt help that the other team kept changing how many players that they were going to field. At one stage they had 2 extra players on the field. hmmm??? we also went to a friends engagement party yesterday, congratulations to Adrian and Chelsea :o)
None of us could be bothered eating after we got home as we ate so much food at the party and Allen and I took advantage of the 2 little kids being asleep and went to bed early.
Niamh is changing daily with more smiles and giggles and reaching more for toys. Ive been bathing Gabriel and Niamh together as its actually easier then doing it seperately even with them both being small. Tobight I put some bubbles into the bath, Gabriels favorite book at the moment is one with a bubble bath :o) Niamh looked sooooo cute! I couldnt help taking pictures.
Last but not least I am by all rights a LONG suffering Blues supporter and for the past few years Ive done alot of suffering! Today we played our rivals Collingwood and WE WON!!!! WOOHOOO!!! I was supper excited as my best friend (who is a collingwood supporter) will be keeping his phone off so I dont leave a haha message for him ;o) Go Blue Baggers!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Twilight books

Anyone who has spoken to me in the last few months knows that I have fallen in love with a series of books that I was introduced to while in the states. The "Twilight series" of books by Stephanie Meyer. I read the first book in a matter of days and rushed oout to get the second and the third book. I was up till all hours of the morning finishing them and I have allready read them twice. I have given them to friends to read and they have loved them too. I wasnt convinced that it would be a good boo to read at first I mean Im not into reading "vampire" books, but they are fantastic and the first book is currently in production being made into a movie! Its being released this year as well as the 4th book of the series. Ive just visited the web site and there are pictures of the actors playing the "Cullen" family. Im very excited about the new book and the movie coming out if you havnt read them try them please!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
wii for me!

Last week some time (I cant remember the exact day) one of the morning shows had this new product that you can get next month to attatch to your wii system its called "wii fitness" the presenter was having a great time trying it out and it looked like heaps of fun. We have had Xaviour complaining about his XBox dying for months now, and after seeing this new thing Ive decided to but one! I told the kids about this cool fitness thing and even gave them a demo of what it looked like and how it works. I thought I was doing a great job and was excited to show them what I had found. They were wetting themselves laughing at me while I showed them how it worked (giving a great demo). Well I said whats so funny?? Jasmine was wiping her eyes with funny tears and saying how funny I looked and Xaviour just repeated that he wanted a new XBox 360. My reaction was typical I told them all (including ALlen who was laughing just as hard as the kids) that I'm going to buy one anyway and they will ALL want to play when it gets home! Humph! I didnt thnk I was that funny!
Saturday, April 5, 2008
mums taxi

Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever have time for just Allen and I again. Now that soccer has started again for the year we'll have no slacking around the house on Saturday mornings :o( Its very hectic with all the kids activities. Monday we have Gabriel and Niamh in playgroup in the morning Jasmine at dance class in the afternoon. Tuesday we have soccer practice and young womens in the evening, Wednesday I take the little kids to the library, we try and have dinner guests, Thusday we have free(at the moment) Friday we have chior rehearsal after school and Saturday is soccer and fundraising for Jasmines chior and concerts. Sunday is church and chior. How do I manage to get anything done??? No wonder I'm tired by weeks end?
Next week is going to be worse with 3 places to be on Saturday including soccer, an engagement party and trivia night for chior! AHHH! This is just every day stuff this doesnt include Yummy Mummys once a month Young marrieds for dinner and Relief Society stuff. I'm glad that my calling isnt taking me away from the house at all.
On the work front Allen is very excited about a new printer that they are bringng into work for him to trial. It prints on canvas as well as photo paper and seeing as iits a demo model we get to test it :o) That means free printing for me :o) Im getting a stack of photos together that I'd like to test on the canvas. Officeworks (allens previous employer) has canvas printing but its a 15 day turnaround and its 200$ for an A4 size print! Its still a week away from arriving at the store but I have a stack of photos for him to try out with :o)
Niamh is growing at a huge rate shes just gone into OO clothing :o( so I packed away some more clothes on the weekend. Every time I do it I know that its the last time that I'll have clothes that small in the house.
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